Friday, June 10, 2016

Fly of the Week #3- CDC Winged Emerger - PMD


PMD Dun from a local Kittitas Valley Stream

Week 3-
CDC Winged Emerger - PMD

Late May and June is the entry into PMD emergence.  Over the next couple of weeks WBFC is going to be highlighting some awesome Yakima River Pale Morning Dun flies that are a good bet for most days on the river.  The emergence of PMD's is one of our favorite because it generally happens during the most comfortable time of the day.  In good fishing weather, around noon is dependable and in hotter weather, the morning or evening is more common.  Those are general times of course, so be prepared for changes from day to day as the season progresses.

The cool thing about an emerger pattern is that it can be fished, behind a high floating indicator fly, throughout the entire hatch.  However, some folks start with a PMD Nymph, way before the hatch (Which is a good idea anyway) and then as the fish transition to top water, the angler also switches to a visible dun pattern.  I think in heavily fished rivers and streams such as the Yakima, an emerger will out fish a dun and why we suggest using the indicator/dropper(emerger) rig.

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